[thelist] [WebAIM] display text based on co-ordinates on image

ben morrison morrison.ben at gmail.com
Thu Nov 10 08:08:32 CST 2005

> I have a map that I would like to share some comments / text  on, based on the co ordinates of the map.
> Obviously I have code like so
> <map name="$areaInQuestion">
> <area  href="javascript:popup('')"    shape="rect" coords="10,870,90,880" />
> </map>
> But I cant get the text to display based on the co-ordinate, I cant use onhover or onmouse etc, because there is no link.

Maybe you could use 'nice titles'


and instead of searching for links:

for (var ti=0;ti<document.links.length;ti++) {

search for area - is that possible? or give the map an id then find
its childnodes and then attach the onmousover/mouseout events.

I'm sure others can be more helpful..



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