[thelist] web 2.0 app for note organization

Megan Holbrook meganwh at wi.rr.com
Mon Jun 12 14:49:07 CDT 2006

Demers, Scott wrote:

> Hey, all -
> I'm an obsessive note taker, with gobs of notes for each web project I
> work on. Usually, these are a series of notepad files organized in
> directories. I'd rather have everything a few mouse-clicks away rather
> than digging through directories looking for documents. Does anyone know
> of any freeware or web 2.0 thingies that specialize in this sort of
> thing? Tried Google notebook, but it seems geared more towards building
> a web scrap-book. Thanks so much.

Not freeware and it's for the desktop, but I love Quick Notes Plus 
http://www.conceptworld.com/qnp/ .

I can organize a set of jotted notes into different "desktops" that 
function as visual file folders so I can see all notes associated with a 
single project at once. Searchable, quick, easy to hide and reveal using 
function keys. Nice for to-dos as well.


Megan Holbrook - megan at kapow.com
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