[thelist] target _blank was :Re: Default Doc type

Christian Heilmann codepo8 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 13 08:53:36 CDT 2006

> On my personal site for my friends and family where its basically news and
> loads of photos of the kids I have the thumbnails all opening into new
> windows because a lot of my friends told me that on their slow connections
> they like to be able to open a lot of windows, go away while they download,
> and come back and view them. They find it so time consuming if they have to
> wait for each one to download in one window, then download the next etc etc.
> I am torn between what to do every time I update it because I know its not
> good practice. Does anyone else still do this or am I really bad for doing
> it ?
> Lisa

How about telling your friends that pressing ctrl (or apple) and
clicking the link opens the link in a new browser window (or tab in
firefox) ? ;-)

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