[thelist] Email: Newsletter Programs

Luther, Ron Ron.Luther at hp.com
Tue Feb 6 16:26:13 CST 2007

Steven Streight promoted some more (IMO) misperceptions:

>>Lousy rates and pretty pictures VS. good rates and no pictures.

And who is this nameless insurance company with the good rates 
and no pictures in their advertising? And more to the point ... 
how long ago did they go out of business?

Dude, righteousness != right and 'what should be' != 'what is'.  'k?

SVAK [1] sells. It sells everything.  It has for at least 100 
years and I'm not seeing any signs that it's nearing the end 
of its usefulness.

>>With insurance, the numbers tell more of a story than any picture. 
>>It's the numbers that make the sale. NOT pictures.

There is more to advertising than closing the deal.  You can't make 
that sale - no matter how darn good your numbers are (or your product 
is) - if you ain't on the short list.  Those pictures get you mind 
share.  They get your company and your product considered by the 
consumer.  Having the best product in the world doesn't even come 
close to guaranteeing commercial success.  

And no, I believe you are still mistaken.  It's not the numbers 
that make the sale either.  Talk to any sales manager in insurance.  
(Or any other field.)  All of their sales people sell the same 
product at the same price.  Yet some salespeople are 'stars' and 
some totally suck at selling insurance. Sooooo, while the Joe 
Fridays [2] are important ... getting the sale closed takes more 
than that.  It always has.

Have a good evening,

[1] Sex, Violence, Animals, Kids ... The basis for most advertising.

[2] "Just the facts, ma'am."

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