[Javascript] Sorry, another question.

Ben ben at babelfish.co.uk
Wed Apr 18 11:58:16 CDT 2001

> >Slightly different question this time involving changing the font style
> >an anchor tag in Netscape 4.7.  Can it be done?
> Nope. Well, you can use separate layers for each individual normal and
> mouseover link, but it's far too much work generally, besides that you
> to position all layers absolutely, which is again lots of work.

Madness! Absolute position is great for about 5 minutes until you realise
the hell you have got yourself in to :)

> >I'm trying this way, :
> >
> >function changeLink(obj)
> >{
> >     obj.className = 'clsNewClassName';
> >}
> >
> >where clsNewClassName is the new class i want it to use.  no joy there,
> >doesn't even error.
> As you noted, you can change the properties to whatever you like, but the
> browser won't react. Apart from the style properties there are several
> strange dead ends in NN4.

It makes me wonder if they actually finished writing it.

> My guess is that they added the properties and made them read/write but
> couldn't manage to make the actual display on-screen change when you
> the properties.
> You simply *cannot* change text dynamically in NN4.
> ppk

No problem.  Thanks for your help.


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