[Javascript] Sending of Javascript via email

Jamesjackson73 at aol.com Jamesjackson73 at aol.com
Thu Jan 23 04:21:37 CST 2003

I have a form in which Ive used the Javascript Date() function to display a numbering system on that forms page, seen here -> http://www.topweb.co.uk/help/form4.htm in the format (date/month/hour/minute/second) 23 01 10 20 18. but then I want to send the above values along with the other entered form fields when submit is pressed. but I can't seem to transfer the values of 'formNumber'. I thought maybe I could use a hidden field, but unsure how to.
Below is the php script (important bits only)
Please explain in laymans terms... I'm a newbie...
Regards Jim
***PHP Script***form4mail.php3***
 $formcontent = "";
 $formcontent .= "Form Number: $formNumber\n"; //Should take 
 value of formNumber variable
 $toaddress = "jamesjackson73 at aol.com";
 $subjectline = "Form completed by *sender* ";
 $headers = "From: *senderemail*\n";
 mail( $toaddress, $subjectline, $formcontent, $headers);
 echo "
 <b>Thank you, The following email has been sent to 
 "; // end echo statement
?> // end php

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