[Javascript] Help with text file

Jaime Golombek jgolombek at mac.com
Wed Oct 15 12:33:40 CDT 2003

Thanks Chris:
In a nutshell I'm trying to use the orbital elements information 
provided by NASA and others for many satellites. From this text files 
I'll calculate some useful information (i.e. pointing angles). I would 
prefer for it to be only client side so that it can be used on or 
off-line (if the user downloads the file beforehand). Maybe I'll do 
some hybrid thing using PHP for embedding the data in a page.
I currently have a simple page that works OK but 1) has the satellites 
information hardcoded and has to be updated manually once in a while 
and 2) if I manage to use these files I'll be able to do add a lot of 
cool features.

thanks again


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