[Javascript] Help with text file

Jaime Golombek jgolombek at mac.com
Wed Oct 15 15:39:58 CDT 2003

The data is in an URL. I liked the idea of an invisible frame with its source set from within a form in the visible frame. The default would be a copy of a recent file in my site, but the user could type an external URL for more up-to-date data (or file://xxx.txt for a local file). This seems to be working and I assumed (apparently I was wrong) that it would me more simple to deal with data that is already in a frame than with local files (with the security issues and with specifying the PATH for the different OS).

I've seen a few comments elsewhere about how it could be done with JSRS (http://www.ashleyit.com/rs/links.htm) but franky I didn't get it.

I'll search to see if this could be done using XML. This is a semi-private project and I'll enjoy learning (a little bit) XML.

Thank you for the reply

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