[Javascript] Automatic Password Entry

Mike Dougherty mdougherty at pbp.com
Wed Oct 29 08:16:30 CST 2003

I don't know if there is a property that overrides the default "Helpful"
behavior of automatically filling in textboxes (user/pwd) - but
considering that the google toolbar is also helping people be lazy about
their personal information, even if there was an IE compatible property
I doubt third party plug-ins would honor it anyway.

MY suggestion is to randomly name the field - that way the form never
appears to have any history to preselect values from.  Ex: <input
name="PWD[datetime Stamp]" />    Then in the form parser/processor you
could check for the field that begins with PWD and use it's value.

It may not be the best way, but it is A way...

-----Original Message-----
From: javascript-bounces at LaTech.edu
[mailto:javascript-bounces at LaTech.edu] On Behalf Of mark o' sullivan
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 5:15 AM
To: javascript at latech.edu
Subject: [Javascript] Automatic Password Entry

Does anyone know how to prevent the following. I have a simple form
validates a user name and password. How can I either write javascript or
configure settings in 'Internet Explorer' to prevent the password field
becoming automatically entered? 
This is what happens. A user who has already used the site enters their
user id and then hits return.
Unfortunately the user password is automatically entered and so anyone
under this name can enter the site. 
I know 'Internet Explorer' automatically gives user an option of
this information earlier but I've forgotten what it was. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,

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