[Javascript] Odd overlapping problem

Peter Brunone peter at brunone.com
Tue Mar 8 14:18:32 CST 2005

   After further testing, event bubbling does not seem to be the problem.  I've set event.cancelBubble=true for just about every event handler I can think of that might be related to this action (bear in mind that this is on a saved copy of the page, so the URL in this message will not have the changes).  Heck, I even added event.returnValue=false just to be sure.

   One reason why I'm fairly sure this isn't a bubbling issue is because the list event never happens.  If it was just a case of multiple elements being hit by the same event, I would think that clicking (or hovering over) the list would register the event with the list, and *then* the event would trigger higher up.  As it stands, though, the list remains unchanged after the click.

   Pretty bizarre stuff; any other ideas?



 From: Hershel Robinson hershelr at netvision.net.il

 Thanks, Hershel... I knew I could count on you :-D         LOL  

Really, the reason I was concerned about OT was because this could turn out to be an HTML/CSS issue.  I'm somewhat aware of the fact that ELB does not use select elements in IE :)         Oh. It's hard to know who knows what these days you know. :)  

    Now the fun begins.  Pull down the list in the "Tipo" column, or the one next to it; just make sure that the scrollbar is empty below the list you choose.  Now hover over one of the first options and notice how when you are in the scrollbar area, the list thinks that the bar is still over it.  The item does not change color, and if you click on it in that state, rather than selecting the item, you will scroll the page.
      I did not understand the problem until just now actually. What you are saying is that if I open a dropdown  which has the 'empty' or 'clickable' part of the horizontal scrollbar under it and I then click on that part of the dropdown which is over that part of the scrollbar, the scrollbar is scrolled. I see this problem. Hey, I don't even speak Italian and I see the problem now.         What appears to be happening is that click event which occurs on the dropdown is being 'bubbled' up to the element 'behind' it on the page. My guess, without examining the code, is that this is the issue. A possible solution would be to stop the click event bubbling after the dropdown handles it.         Hershel   
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