[Javascript] Working arround Active Content controls provided on IE browsers

Trev and Liz Smith trevnliz at optusnet.com.au
Sun Jun 3 06:11:42 CDT 2007

  Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers "warn users to accept the risk
  JavaScript programs malfunctioning and giving content not wanted and
  in some cases being used to


        Collect information from your computer in ways you might not
        approve of


        Possibly damaging data on your computer


        Installing software on your computer without your consent


        Allowing someone else to control your computer remotely.

  So given these risks, you should only install these programs if you
  completely trust the publisher."

*My question is - is there any way of working arround the user's option 
of not running JavaScript and what is the general attitude/diclaimers 
offered by JavaSript programmers?

Trevor Smith


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