[Javascript] Fade transition onmouseover/out based on CSS :hover?

Barney Carroll barney at textmatters.com
Wed Sep 26 06:27:41 CDT 2007

Hello list,

I've read my way through the most promising articles returned by google, 
but everything I find is way too elaborate and bloated (and every other 
javascript dilema floated on the internet seems to be asked and answered 
in terms of jQuery terminology).

I have numerous objects with completely satisfactory CSS hover rules, 
but I would like a gradual transition (for the state to fade in/out over 
300 millisecs or something) onmouseover and -out. I'm not looking for 
something to parse my CSS and translate the results, but the fact that 
the state change can be effected by CSS indicates how simple the actual 
transition is – no content difference, basically.

How can I achieve this effect?

Thanks in advance,

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