[thelist] IE bookmarklets?

s t e f stef at nota-bene.org
Tue Jan 2 05:18:08 CST 2001

[sender: s t e f || date: 12:06 02/01/2001 +0100]
>Happy new millenium to all and so on.
>I read about bookmarklets and am now trying to create some of my own to 
>resize the browser.
>Thus I created a bookmark linking to javascript:window.resizeTo(800,600).
>The bad news: it opens a new window to the corrrect size rather than 
>resizing the active window.

OK, so the solution is simple since the problem was stupid: I kept my 
bookmarklets in a subfolder in my "Links" folder.
Now I put them up to the "Links" folder, and it works.
You'll find a helpful list of bookmarklets on:
s t e f

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