[thelist] Web Content Manager qualifications

aphelan (Andrea Phelan) aphelan at confederationc.on.ca
Tue Jan 30 16:15:32 CST 2001

Generally speaking, the person who is unable to 'catch on' to the
intricacies of their job has overstepped their boundaries.

Do they have to know HTML? No. Do they have to understand the concept of
your job and the direction of the project? Most definently!


>I will add that, when they *don't* - and are also responsible for the
>management of engineering functions, it's very painful to work with and
>for them.

"aphelan (Andrea Phelan)" wrote:
> After a few projects the content managers/instructional designers tend to
> catch on to how the internet works. They still never have to know a bleep
> about HTML, and to be perfectly frank, the less they know, the better.
> Your job is your job, their job is theirs. The more they know, the more
> poke their nose into what you're doing, and thats bad for everyone.

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