[thechat] name of Operation Infinite Justice to be changed

Martin martin at members.evolt.org
Sat Sep 22 13:38:56 CDT 2001

Erika Meyer wrote on 21/9/01 11:00 pm

>For example, in the 1970's the Carter administration quietly watched 
>as Indonesia invaded East Timor. 

Encouraged, supported, ensured that there was no international
opposition, funded and trained, and gave what the CIA described
as a 'shooting list' to the Indonesians.

The Indonesian regime was only in power because of US
intervention (sponsored an armed insurrection in 57/58
and destabilised the military leading to the military coup
of 65/66 which resulted in the murder of between 250k
(CIA figures) and 1m (Amnesty International figures)

>So we gave the Indonesians lots of money and guns so that they could 
>gleefully massacre 50,000 Timorese people (give or take)...

60,000 (10% of the population - think the equivalent of 50million
in the US)

>Now, I guess all us the old "commies" are now going to be called 
>something else.  "Terrorist sympathizers," perhaps.

'Un-American' (still as useful as it was in the McCarthy era)


email: martin at easyweb.co.uk             PGP ID: 0xA835CCCB
       martin at members.evolt.org      snailmail: 30 Shandon Place
  tel: +44 (0)774 063 9985                      Edinburgh,
  url: http://www.easyweb.co.uk                 Scotland

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