[thechat] driving and smoking

deacon web at master.gen.in.us
Tue Jun 15 23:59:28 CDT 2004

On 16 Jun 2004 at 0:59, William Anderson wrote:

> > And on a purely practical note, the hand that's in the middle of the car
> > -- no matter which country you are in, and what side of the car the
> > driver is seated on -- is needed to *drive*. You know: clutch, turn
> > indicators, that sort of thing.
> Not all UK cars have their indicator stalk on the left hand side of the 
> wheel, but more importantly, what kinda weirdass car do you drive where you 
> need your left hand to operate the clutch? :))

UK cars have a floor shift located between the driver and the door, 
rather than between the driver and the passenger?


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