[theforum] nofollow in articles (was Re: New article)

Drs Marcel Feenstra, MALD, MBA marcel at wintasy.com
Sun Oct 14 08:32:25 CDT 2007

Hi Dean,

Thanks, again, for getting back to me so quickly and pointing me to that
forum thread!

I think it would be a little premature to withdraw the article at this time,
I'd much rather *discuss* this matter first... :-)

Actually, when I followed that thread, I found a post by David Kaufman:


that sounded *very* similar to what I wrote in my earlier e-mail:

"I need to dig a little deeper now to see if/how I can force links in
*comments* to use this filter, but not links in approved, published
articles." :-)

Anyway, I will join theforum as you suggest and try to discuss the issue

Best regards,

Marcel Feenstra

P.S.: technically, it should *not* be necessary to "nofollow" the links in
the user profiles, because your robots.txt should already take care of that!
(Specifically, the line "Disallow: /user" should ensure that the user
profiles, which are located in that directory, aren't cached or even

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