[Javascript] RE: opener window refresh

Scott.Wiseman swiseman at remax-cahi.com
Fri Jun 14 11:04:22 CDT 2002

this is from an window that was opened from a Frame window
<script language="JavaScript">

// opener.location.reload();

<% if popup then

response.write "alert('Not All Values Were Entered');" &vbcrlf

response.write "self.close();"&vbcrlf


response.write "opener.parent.TransDetail.myform.propertyaddress.focus();"

response.write "self.setTimeout('self.close()',1000) ;" 

end if



-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Easton [mailto:alan.easton at unn.ac.uk]
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 6:52 AM
To: 'Java-List'
Subject: opener window refresh

Hi All,
Problem: I have a window that opens a smaller window for some ASP
calculations. Now I have the parent window(opener) refreshing okay when the
ASP calculations have finished, but I have a further problem. I would like
the opener window not only to refresh, but go to a certain <a name> tag on
the opener window page.
Any Ideas.
I use "window.opener.navigate(window.opener.document.location.href);" to
refresh the opener window, but I need it to refresh and go to a particular
part of that opener window.
I've tried "window.opener.navigate('profile.asp#teach');" but IE doesn't
like that, also
window.location('profile.asp#teach');" after an initial refresh of the
opener window, but IE doesn't like that either.
As usual, any help or ideas are much appreciated,

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