[Javascript] Regular Expressions

Peter Brunone peter at brunone.com
Fri Apr 30 10:32:51 CDT 2004

Hi Shawn,

	First off, welcome to the group.  This is a great, diverse bunch
of people and I've learned quite a bit here.

	Regular expressions don't get a lot of airtime here, but the do
come up.  Thanks for the primer; that's one particularly weak area of
mine that I'd really love to strengthen sometime.

	FYI, I don't know if you're familiar with Scott Mitchell ( he
founded 4guysfromrolla.com and has done some other big things in the ASP
scene), but he's one of the most knowledgeable regex experts I've come


Peter Brunone

-----Original Message-----
From: javascript-bounces at LaTech.edu
[mailto:javascript-bounces at LaTech.edu] On Behalf Of
shawn_milochik at godivachoc.com

One particular passion of mine is regular expressions.  They are
extremely powerful, and can often do the job of dozens of lines of code
in just a handful.  If anyone is interested in any help with regexes,
just let me know.

Perhaps there are already regex experts on the list, but in my
experience, I have run across very few people who have even heard of
them, except for Perl programmers.

For a quick idea about what a regex is and what it can do, I've put up a
quick primer for my LUG.  I'll post the link below.  It is supposed to
be very basic, and the syntax shown is not exactly the way it is used in
Javascript, but I'll be happy to provide more advanced and
Javascript-specific examples if anyone is interested.

(Forgive the page for not being pretty -- it tries to be easy to
understand, not necessarily to look at)  ;o)


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