[Javascript] onerror Event Handler

liorean liorean at gmail.com
Sun Nov 14 13:41:52 CST 2004

On Sun, 14 Nov 2004 14:17:07 -0500, Hershel Robinson
<hershelr at netvision.net.il> wrote:
> I am experimenting with the onerror event handler and the results are fairly unimpressive thus far. I am at presently interested ONLY in MSIE 6 on Windows.

Which is unimpressive on the whole.
> This is my test page:
> http://hclic.gwsystems.co.il/TestErrorHandler.htm
> and of the three errors there, only one is caught. The code in the page is fairly small and succint if you want to look at it. Is there anything more that can be done or is this the best that can be hoped for?

I don't really know if this is a correct conclusion (I'd have to do
some testing that I don't feel for right now), but to me it seems like
the error handler doesn't trigger from an event trampoline. That, I
would say, is probably because the events are originating from COM
objects instead of from the JScript engine.

> I will add that quirksmode.com claims that this event works on IE6:
> http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_compinfo.html

It does, but not as perfectly as we'd want it.

> but his test page:
> http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events/window.html
> actually fails somewhat miserably for me--on IE6 on two different Windows 2K machines and one Windows 2K Server machine I do NOT see the majority of the events working, including click, keydown, keypress, keyup, mousedown, mouseup, onerror.

No surprise - Mozilla catches everything at the window level. Iew
doesn't, it catches the MouseEvents and KeyEvents on document level.

> Anyone have any different results?
I would be very surprised.
David "liorean" Andersson

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