[Javascript] Opening a Window without blocking ??

liorean liorean at gmail.com
Tue Nov 23 07:32:59 CST 2004

On Tue, 23 Nov 2004 08:37:54 -0000, Tim Makins <spindrift at oceanfree.net> wrote:
> I need to open a browser that contains just a status bar, but I need to do it without triggering popup blockers or other XP active-X blockers.

Well, the fast answer is: Trigger the window opening on user action.
Most popup blockers will not catch that.

As for opening with just a status bar - you don't have that control in
modern, tabbed browsers (or rather, you can ask for it, but depending
on the user settings you probably won't get what you ask for), or for
that matter in ie6w under WinXPSP2.

See <uri:http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/overview/XpSp2Compat.asp>
for more info about both windowing and ActiveX changes.

Well, that's about as helpful as I can be, other than telling you to
look into signed scripting or HTA for this. That has the problem of
leaving most alternative browsers out of the loop, though. (Mozilla
and Microsoft both have "signed scripting" (for Moz: in the form of
author security overrides, that the user must accept), but they are
not compatible with eachother. Still, Opera and Safari are left out
cold if you do that.)
David "liorean" Andersson

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