AW: [Javascript] value of select

Michael Borchers borchers at
Tue Apr 26 09:25:32 CDT 2005

I don't know why it doesn't worked or if should it work, but you can try 
removing the 'options' statement

var myComboBox = document.orders.orders_status_id; //this is just for 
var orders_status_id = myComboBox[myComboBox.selectedIndex].value;

   // myComboBox.options[0] is the same as myComboBox[0]

Second: have you realised that in the "OPTION" that says '1' it's value 
is empty and in the "OPTION" that says '2' it's value is '1', right?

i found the main mistake and the reason the script worked out fine for you.
i had a second form later and it worked perfectely too.
i found now reason why because the syntax and everything else was
but then i recognized that i had the select field twice.
once at the beginning of the form AND at the end.
i always scrolled down to the bottom that's why i didn't see it.

now it works!

by the way:
how would i have to read out the value regarding DOM - byElement?!

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