[Javascript] Re: two javascript oddities

Mike Dougherty mdougherty at pbp.com
Wed Apr 27 14:42:29 CDT 2005

Is there a cached version stuck in the browser?  You might need to change the refresh interval to 
"every visit to the page" from "automatically" or some browser-specific equivalent to that msIE 

Is the file on the server locked so the upload is happening, but the actual file is not being 
overwritten?  Try deleting the file completely.  Then hit the page.  If it still loads after 
you've deleted the file - you've got another kind of problem :)  Once the file is removed, the 
file upload should be successful (assuming the problem is a file lock)

On Wed, 27 Apr 2005 15:32:59 -0400
  "Anne McPeak" <amcpeak at hudsonreview.com> wrote:
>I have uploaded FULL-TEXT-TOCwi05.JS a number of times now, and to the correct place (unless I'm 
>having a momentary delusion!). I have always transferred all the JavaScript files in their 
>folder, which has worked in the past; this time I've tried doing that as well as transferring 
>that individual file by itself. So far, no luck. Could there be something wrong in that file that 
>is impeding it from transferring correctly? (Thank you both for your suggestions so far!)
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