[Javascript] IE work-a-round question (re: checkboxes) OT

tedd tedd at sperling.com
Sun Apr 13 07:47:47 CDT 2008

At 6:46 AM -0400 4/13/08, John Warner wrote:
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>	boundary="----=_NextPart_000_036B_01C89D32.242E5140"
>Content-Language: en-us
>Imagine a world where developers think the user is king and develop 
>for the user's benefit instead of stroking their own ego. Learn to 
>love your users and accept what they toss at you. Right now users 
>are 70% or so of the time tossing some form of IE at you. What are 
>standards indeed. In the US we have a Constitution, NO ONE can agree 
>on what it means.


My clients are my focus and I do everything I can to meet their 
needs. Their needs having nothing to do with M$, but rather with 
selling their goods and services on the net. It's my charge is to see 
what they sell reaches the largest audience possible. It has nothing 
to do with ego, but rather with service.

M$ is just another difficulty that we all have to live with BUT M$ 
does not control things. My clients and I have other choices. I was 
an Apple supporter long before there was even M$ and I haven't seen a 
single feature that M$ did better.

Granted the general majority of Internet users use M$ products, but 
that is relative depending upon the sites they visit. For example, I 
have one site where the visitors for the last year fall into these 

Safari	27,686
Firefox	1,700
Camino	698
IE	145  <-- less than 1/2 of one percent
Mozilla	113

Now clearly, IE's don't rule there, do they?

One of the interesting things about this site (not meaning to promote 
it), but Macintosh users can easily access it -- they just type 
option v dot com, but IE users have difficulty doing that. It's just 
another example of how IE falls short on global needs (IDNS).

It's those type of shortsighted decisions that are hurting M$ and 
it's their ego that won't allow them to realize that. Whereas, Apple 
has seen the global market and knows that it is the key to long term 
growth -- last year Apple made more money overseas than they did 

Standards like W3C, Unicode, and accessibility should be seriously 
considered because following them provides the widest possible access 
to customers for your clients -- and that's what this is all about.



PS: Don't even get me started on the US Constitution and this 
government's one party system. :-)

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