[Sysadmin] Migrating to ServerMatrix

David A. Ulevitch davidu at everydns.net
Sat Jun 19 09:07:21 CDT 2004

On Jun 19, 2004, at 5:11 AM, William Anderson wrote:
> I favour compilation, as it means we can build Apache *exactly* the 
> way we want, and with a properly managed build script (which I have 
> something approaching) then upgrades/updates are a scoosh.  I upgraded 
> from 1.3.29 with old open/modssl/php4 to the latest version in the 
> time it took to compile, which on a P4 was only a couple of minutes.

apt-get install equivs

make a dummy apache package that provides all that apache-common and 
(optionally) php4 & php4-cgi so that other packages will know that 
dependency is met

The best thing to do is compile your own apache and make an actual 
.deb.  If you don't want to do that, do the equivs so that you aren't 
running commands in dpkg (or apt) to get it to ignore dependency 
issues....that's a bad road to start walking down.

Also, regarding backports, I meant that I dislike backports packaged by 
others...you seem more than qualified to compile from source so take 
the few extra steps to learn how to make a .deb (I can help you) and do 
it yourself.  Backports are annoying in that they install in the 
standard locations when really they should be in /usr/local/ or /opt or 
/var/backports and symlinked to standard locations.  Finally, why trust 
unauthorized package makers who have not gone through the debian 
process...trust yourself. I trust you, not backports. :)


   David A. Ulevitch - Founder, EveryDNS.Net
   http://david.ulevitch.com -- http://everydns.net

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