[thesite] Re: [Admin] alternate color schemes

mccreath mccreath at ak.net
Sat Jan 20 21:23:31 CST 2001

> >http://home.gci.net/~mccreath/evolt/
> >
> >comments?
> cool
> presumably these are some schemes that we can predefine?

When they're finalized, the "browsers" and "lists" ones will be the defaults
for those sites in the same way that the greenish one is the default on www.

The others could surely be used as alternates and aardvark did some more
adventurous ones, too.


> david, are you comfortable with where the colours will be stored in the
> database as part of a scheme?

Well, looking at the most recent db definition that you sent, I'm guessing
that they'll be in stored in SCHEMEELEMENT > SCHEMEELEMVALUE, right?

> anyhow, the idea is, all the different colours will be stored (along with
> fonts, font sizes, all that), with each colour individually tweakable, but
> with predefined "schemes" that will be a starting point -- people can
> choose one of the predefined ones, and we could also do things  like set
> site's default to a new scheme each week
> does this make sense?


> keep up the good work, david

Thanks, rudy.

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