evolt.org, the web development community, is now closed. it was founded in 1998, and ran until 2024. thank you to everyone who made it possible.
As of 31 January 2024, all mailing lists have been deactivated. You will not receive any further emails from any list at lists.evolt.org. Your subscriber information has been removed.
evolt.org Mailing Lists
evolt.org hosts a number of mailing lists for the web development community. Pick and choose which lists you want to be involved in.
- thelist
Become a part of the evolt.org community by joining "thelist", evolt.org's primary discussion list for designers, developers and web managers working to make the Web a better place for all! Ask questions, get answers. Give answers, gain respect. Become a part of the community!
- theforum
Help create the future of evolt.org on "theforum" mailing list. Dedicated to making evolt.org a better place, discussions on this list include how to make thelist more useful to all members, improvements for the web site, how evolt.org should be structured, etc. Both short-term and long-term plans for evolt.org are discussed. If you're passionate about evolt.org, join now and help shape evolt.org's future!
- thesite
The evolt.org mailing list dedicated to working on the back end of evolt.org where web developers contribute back to the community by making the evolt.org CMS a better product. Database folks, pixel wranglers, HTML/CSS monkeys, testers, documentation writers, developers - no matter what your skill set or skill level, you can help out!
- thechat
Chat it up on "thechat", evolt.org's social mailing list useful for discussion about industry gossip, what hockey's about, cat photos, evolt get-togethers, and so on. For those "off-topic" conversations that don't belong on thelist!
Tip Harvester
The Tip Harvester collects the helpful tips from thelist that fellow evolters include in their mailing list posts to pay for off-topic posts. This is a great source for specialized info where you will find nuggets of web genius.
Pardon our dust! Unfortunately, the Tip Harvester is unavailable at present.