[thelist] SQL Problem

rudy r937 at interlog.com
Sun May 6 19:59:49 CDT 2001

> I don't know whether creating a view for each day
> would be a good idea

no, create only one view, which extracts the day part of the date

a view, by the way, is just a definition, it is not a physical extract

it's just another way to give a "column name" to an expression -- and you
can then more readily group by that column

  create view dayonly (theday, value)
   select convert(char(10),timestamp,102), value
       from yourtable

the view "looks like" a table because it has two columns called theday and
value (but don't use the name value, okay?)

then you just run your query on the view

you do have to use group by, because you are grouping several rows that all
have the same day, and getting the average of another column for each group

  select theday, avg(value)
       from dayonly
         group by theday

try it, you'll like it, and it's just as fast as a query


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