[thelist] Re: real men code by hand...

Nick Wilson nick at explodingnet.com
Mon Mar 18 11:47:00 CST 2002

Hash: SHA1

* and then katherine declared....
> uhmm..thats real women code by hand! :-)

Hehe, yep girls too.

> though will say prone to cheating a bit...keeping a script once done and
> frequently altered..tailored to a use.

That's not cheating that's working smart. I keep a whole bunch of stuff
I reuse over and over. php funcitons and classes, html skeletons generic
stylesheets etc etc....

> actually never wrote a swig of javascript on my own, but know how to
> sling a well made one for this n that. DO prefer to code by hand as the
> code those wysiwyg programs spew is just that..spew. Yes html is code.

Yes, all this 'it's much quicker' nonsense is most amusing.

> Strapless bra...intriguing bit of garment. Never had the pleasure of
> wearing...did get the humor even though I am a stogy old american.

I don't like 'em, But bras are like good code, The packaging is
unimportant it's what's inside that counts. (is that too rude?)

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