[Javascript] Fade transition onmouseover/out based on CSS :hover?

Barney Carroll barney at textmatters.com
Wed Sep 26 08:42:31 CDT 2007

Mike Dougherty wrote:
> Do you want menus to always have the delay, or only if the pointer
> moves outside the navigation container?  ex:  mousing up/down the nav
> list causes each flyout to open and close - should they fade in and
> out, or should the delay only happen when the pointer moves from a sub
> menu to the document?  (to prevent accidentally closing the whole
> flyout) ?

I'm not worried about containers. This is about form elements and links 
changing appearance rather than child objects appearing and dissapearing.

I'm not really concerned about event handlers, more about the actual 
fade effect. I've seen it done a million times but when I look for the 
relevant code it's always as part of indissectable libraries or 
unecessarily dense mini apps like slideshow galleries etc.


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